You have 3 Next Steps

What's this?

Priority Assigned On Next Steps Assignee Status  
High 12/12/2013 Limit alcohol intake; 2 drinks a week maximum Dr. Berg Progress
High 12/01/2014 Take Gentle Chair Yoga Class Dr. Berg Progress
Moderate 14/01/2014 Make a follow-up appointment in 2 weeks Dr. Berg Progress


User Name

You have 5 appointments in the coming week.


  • Dr. Berg – Chronic Back Pain
    Mon, Nov 16, 0830 hrs
  • Dr. Hammond – Physical Exa..
    Mon, Nov 16, 1145 hrs

Next Steps

  • Tetanus Vaccination
    Schedule Appointment
  • Gentle Chair Yoga
    Schedule Class

Event Details

Dr. Gregory Berg, Team 1

  • From
  • Nov 16, 2011 at 08:30
  • To
  • Nov 16, 2011 at 11:45
  • Type
  • Routine
  • Classification
  • Outpatient
  • RFV
  • Chronic back pain
  • Phone No.
  • (999) 999-9999
  • Address
  • The New York Clinic
    99 Main St.
    New York, NY 11111

Message Team 1

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