You have 3 Next Steps

What's this?

Priority Assigned On Next Steps Assignee Status  
High 12/12/2013 Limit alcohol intake; 2 drinks a week maximum Dr. Berg Progress
High 12/01/2014 Take Gentle Chair Yoga Class Dr. Berg Progress
Moderate 14/01/2014 Make a follow-up appointment in 2 weeks Dr. Berg Progress


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September 24, 2011

Topics recommended by your healthcare provider:
View my Medical Records

  • Balancing Calories

    • Enjoy your food, but eat less
    • Avoid oversized portions
  • Foods to Increase

    • Make half your plate fruits and vegetables
    • Make at least half your grains whole grains
    • Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk
  • Living with Diabetes

    • Diabetes Superfoods
    • Blood Glucose Control
    • Medications

Based on your recent weight gain, here are topics you should read:
View your weight in Vital Signs

  • Losing Weight

    • Evaluator: Assess Your Diet
    • Fitness for Couch Potatoes
  • Get Lean

    • Cardiovascular Exercise: The Basics
    • Food & Fitness Planner: Get Started

Learn more about vaccines you need to take:
View your records in Immunization

  • Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR)

    • What is MMR?
    • Benefits & Risks of MMR vaccine
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