You have 3 Next Steps

What's this?

Priority Assigned On Next Steps Assignee Status  
High 12/12/2013 Limit alcohol intake; 2 drinks a week maximum Dr. Berg Progress
High 12/01/2014 Take Gentle Chair Yoga Class Dr. Berg Progress
Moderate 14/01/2014 Make a follow-up appointment in 2 weeks Dr. Berg Progress


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Vital Signs
You have no new measurements.

  • Time Range:    1d    1w    1m    3m    1y    3y    All    Custom

  • My Weight
  • View History: 
180 pounds
March 11, 2011
10 pounds
from February 3, 2010
25.1 BMI
March 11, 2011
1.3 BMI
from February 3, 2010
23.5 BMI
Target BMI

Statistical Graph will be here

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