You have 3 Next Steps

What's this?

Priority Assigned On Next Steps Assignee Status  
High 12/12/2013 Limit alcohol intake; 2 drinks a week maximum Dr. Berg Progress
High 12/01/2014 Take Gentle Chair Yoga Class Dr. Berg Progress
Moderate 14/01/2014 Make a follow-up appointment in 2 weeks Dr. Berg Progress


User Name

Vital Signs
You have no new measurements.

  • Time Range:    1d    1w    1m    3m    1y    3y    All    Custom

  • Goal: ******
  • Patient Entry: 
  • Provider Entry: 
    • Height
    • 5 feet 11 inches
      March 11, 2011
    • Weight
    • 180 pounds 25.1 BMI
      March 11, 2011
    • Blood pressure
    • 138/90 mmHg
      March 11, 2011
    • Heart rate
    • 70 beats/minute
      March 11, 2011
    • Respiratory
    • 26 breaths/minute
      March 11, 2011
    • Temperature
    • 98o Farenheit
      March 11, 2011
    • Comments
    • Provider Entry
      Patient Entry
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